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Watching Tutorials

If you are clicking the orange “Tutorial” button at bottom right of screen but nothing is happening, it is most likely because the page has not yet completed loading. Once fully loaded (check the tab at top of screen for an indication of whether it has completed loading), click the same button and it will work.

Further, videos are hosted by Vimeo and embedded on our website. If you see text indicating that the video is restricted for privacy reasons or similar, it is because Vimeo is having a confused moment. Settings for all videos have been configured such that they can be viewed by anyone logged in to SECTARA – if this is the case come back to the video later and you should be able to view it.

Ad-blockers can also cause problems in displaying certain legitimate content on web pages. If you are using one and are having issues seeing content, consider disabling it or adding “” to your safe sites/exceptions list.