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User Roles & Rules

Your assigned role determines what you have access to/can do within SECTARA. In the case of Assessor and Viewer roles, this will usually be limited, as these roles are ordinarily used to allow someone access to their account for a specific task (i.e. to complete or view an assessment).

In addition, there are three administrator types:

  • Account Administrator: the person who registered the account and can see and change/delete anything; they can also copy assessments from/to any organisation/business unit within an account. They can also create and assign criteria and other records (e.g. library content) to all, some or only single organisations.
  • Organisational Administrators: have nearly full control over their organisation (and everything within it). They cannot delete their organisation, however. Where an Organisational Administrator has been assigned to multiple organisations, the same rules apply to them in each. A key thing to note is that an Organisational Administrator can set the logo for organisations that they’ve been assigned to. If assigned to multiple organisations, they’ll see the account logo when visiting ‘common’ areas, but then will see each organisation’s logo when they visit organisation-specific areas (e.g. individual assessments). The selected logos will also appear on assessments exported from the system.
  • Business Unit (BU) Administrators: have similar privileges as an Organisational Administrator, but at the business unit level (and for those sub-business units below it). BU Admins cannot save items to libraries, nor can they create/edit criteria, however; this is the role of the Account and Organisational Administrators.