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Create/Edit a User

If you are an Administrator you can create a new user within your Account/Organisation/Business Unit (assuming doing so does not exceed plan limits). Depending upon your role, and aside from the Account Administrator, there are four types of users that you may create:

  • Organisation Administrator (has full admin rights for the nominated organisation and its library [and the business units within it]).
  • Business Unit Administrator (has full admin rights for the nominated Business Unit and those created under it). Note that there is a limit of two sub Business Units and associated administrators (i.e. Business Unit/Sub Business Unit/Sub-sub Business Unit).
  • Assessor (can edit/complete one or more existing assessments – cannot change criteria for or export assessments).
  • Viewer (can view one or more existing assessments but cannot edit anything).

To create a user you can either:

  • open the Organisation/Business Unit that the user will be allocated to and click on the ‘Users’ tab (then click ‘Add User’); or
  • click on the ‘Create’ button at the top right of the Landing Page.

Once the ‘New User’ dialogue box displays enter the details for the user. Select the type of role you wish to allocate them to – you can only allocate an Organisational or Business Unit Administrator if there is an Organisation/Business Unit within the system to allocate them to. Similarly, an Assessor or Viewer user type is only able to be created if there is an assessment in the system to allocate them to.

Once you save the new user they will be emailed an activation link. When they click it they will be required to acknowledge SECTARA’s Terms and Conditions and set a password.

You may assign a user to multiple organisations/business units/assessments by clicking the “Add more roles” button. A user’s current assignments may also be changed by an administrator at any time.