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Create a Business Unit

The quickest and preferred method to add a Business Unit to an Organisation is from within an Organisation; you can, however, also add these from the homepage by clicking the ‘Create’ button at top right of screen however (if you’re an Account or Organisational Administrator).

If you do the latter, you will need to nominate which Organisation you are adding a Business Unit to, where multiple Organisations have been created within your account.

If you are creating a sub, or a sub-sub business unit (you cannot go beyond sub-sub/there are three business units tiers), make sure that you select the correct parent. Note that you cannot have identical names for business units at the same level of the organisational hierarchy.

If you are creating a Business Unit after having opened an Organisation, simply click on the Business Units tab then the ‘Add Business Unit’ button, name it and click ‘Save’ – you will then see it appear in the list of Business Units, marked with an ‘Active’ status.