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Changing Plans

If you are the Account Administrator and wish upgrade your subscription to a new standard (Bronze, Silver and Gold) plan you will of course enjoy the benefits of an increase in entitlements. To upgrade, simply click on the user menu and select Change Plan – this will take you to the plans page on the website, while ensuring that your account data is carried over to the new plan.

If you are looking at a Platinum plan, please Contact Us.

Downgrading your subscription, especially in cases where your current content exceeds the limits of the lower tier, requires some thought. For example, if your current content exceeds the allowances for a lower plan, you will be required to delete or make relevant items (Organisations/Business Units/Users/Assessments) inactive in the system. You will then see inactive entries in your search results, but you will not be able to open or otherwise use them until you move to a plan that accommodates a higher allowance (or delete other records).