That’s a wrap on AISA SydneySEC 2023!

As a prominent presence in the risk management landscape in cybersecurity, SECTARA co-sponsored and attended the annual cybersecurity conference of the Australian Information Security Association, AISA SydneySEC 2023. The conference was held on the 20th of June at Hyatt Regency.

The conference included multiple sessions and workshops on cybersecurity and information technology, discussing topics such as data, AI, and privacy, adversarial machine learning, human risk management, cybersecurity strategy formulation, FAIR cyber risk quantification framework, and other topics like the role of generative AI and cyber for business.

SECTARA’s attendance at AISA SydneySEC 2023 involved educating the attendees on the detection, monitoring, and mitigation of cybersecurity risks across organisations. We also offered a free trial of our risk assessment and management solution for 14 days, still open for sign-ups!


Interested in cybersecurity risk management?

Risk management in cybersecurity is becoming a more prominent topic as time goes on with organisations around the world embracing digital transformation. If your organisation is potentially facing risks in cybersecurity, a robust security risk management solution might be just what you need.

SECTARA’s security risk assessment and management solution offer a simplified, accessible method for risk identification, monitoring, and mitigation with our highly collaborative systems. Rid your mind of the worries of cybersecurity threats with SECTARA.