Around the world, 2,200 cyber attacks occur every day with one occurring every 39 seconds on average. The importance of assuring information security has never been more important for businesses—and that is precisely what a risk assessment in information security provides.
Information security goes far beyond the confines of cybersecurity, expanding its focus towards physical security and endpoint security in addition to the aspects covered under cybersecurity.
Therefore, the scope of an information security risk assessment also tends to be more expansive than that of a cybersecurity risk assessment.
The foundations of information security are formed by confidentiality, integrity, and availability. These concepts address the need to prevent the unauthorised release of sensitive information, protect against unauthorised access, and ensure the accessibility of systems whenever necessary.
Assuring information security requires an in-depth understanding of the threats, vulnerabilities, and risks associated with it. This is where a risk assessment in information security can provide tangible benefits.