...SECTARA™ makes security risk management (SRM) simple, precise and accessible to all practitioners

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SECTARAsecurity software is an encrypted, highly collaborative system that assures methodological rigour in risk assessments and delivers enormous productivity benefits to security risk assessors.

Productivity gains through faster risk assessments

  • Create, review and edit all your risk assessments in much less time
  • Quickly manage your security assessments (and great library content).
  • Automate asset, threat and risk control integration within Risk Registers.

Tailored to your business & scalable

  • Add to default content and criteria within your growing data library.
  • SECTARAis highly scalable for use by any sized organisation.
  • Any scope / industry, SECTARA™ is globally applicable.

Collaborative and easy to use security software

  • Monitor and review risk assessments at all stages of development.
  • Conduct powerful security debriefs and step audiences through assessment logic.
  • Export risk assessment and treatment plans in MS Word/Excel at any stage.

Advanced & intuitive risk assessments

  • Enjoy stunning, logical user interfaces.
  • Designed to surpass the requirements of all major risk standards.
  • Detailed analytics to illustrate individual risk assessment results.

Highly secure & fully encrypted software

  • All Sensitive Data is restricted from viewing by admins and devs.
  • Hosted in AWS (Sydney), with options for dedicated instances.
  • Five user types for complete control over who does / sees what.

Demonstrated value for you & your stakeholders

  • Deliver security debriefs using highly visual, interactive dashboards.
  • Employ system simplicity to educate and convince stakeholders.
  • Clearly demonstrate security best-practice for the regulatory process.

Step-by-Step Assessment process

Taking a security standards-based approach to security risk management means that some users will be familiar with the various elements involved in the process. Where SECTARAdiffers is how we’ve put them together, and how intuitive and agile each step in the assessment process is.


Configure A Risk Assessment

Assign the assessment to an organisation, then confirm criteria to be used.


Risk Assessment Context

The Assessor then documents Scope, Context & Criteria, per ISO 31000.


Asset Assessment

An Asset Criticality Assessment is conducted, consistent with the scope.


Risk Sources Assessment

Threats and/or hazards are then documented and linked to individual assets.


Controls Assessment

Vulnerabilities are documented & risk control effectiveness assessed.


Security Risk Register

An interactive, pre-populated Security Risk Register is completed.


Debrief in Analytics

Debrief stakeholders using visual analytics for each of the stages of the assessment.


Export & Treat

Export your assessment report and a treatment plan directly to MS Word and Excel.