Frequently Asked Questions

Is SECTARA™ able to be used in countries other than Australia?

Is SECTARAable to be used in countries other than Australia?

Absolutely – as a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) you may access SECTARAfrom anywhere that has an Internet connection. Even better, you have the confidence that data is encrypted at field-level (meaning that even we cannot see it in unencrypted form). Data is hosted within an AWS data centre in Sydney, Australia, with options for dedicated instances to meet data residency compliance requirements.

Are there any discount arrangements for subscribers?

Are there any discount arrangements for subscribers?

Yes. Subscribers are entitled to a 10% discount on the first year when paying by credit card for an annual subscription*. Discounts are also available on multi-year subscriptions for users on an Enterprise plan.

Refer to the SECTARA® Website and Service Terms and Conditions and the Pricing page for further details.

*Excludes Professional (PAYG) plan.

Does SECTARA™ have any restrictions?

Does SECTARAhave any restrictions?

Restrictions are by design and relate to the type of plan that has been selected and the roles of different user types.

Each plan includes a specified number of permitted users, concurrent assessments and entities (i.e. organisations/business units).

Regardless of which plan you choose, there are five user roles that may be created, including:

  • Account Owner (x1).
  • Account Administrators.
  • Organisation Administrators.
  • Business Unit Administrators.
  • Assessors.

Refer to our Pricing page, or contact us for further details.

Who has access to my data?

Who has access to my data?

In short, and as security practitioners ourselves, we know that platform security is critical. SECTARA leads security assurance in this this class of SaaS application and has the following arrangements to preserve data confidentiality, integrity and assurance:

  • Data that you create within SECTARAis encrypted at rest and in transit using TLS and AES.
  • By design, only two System Administrators have access to SECTARA’s live data environment; both are Australian citizens and hold high-level Government security clearances.
  • Policy controls restrict those System Administrators from accessing subscriber assessments and most other account information.
  • Other than through customer use/access, there are no circumstances where assessment data leaves the production environment.
  • All users are able to apply multi-factor authentication to their accounts.

In order to facilitate commercial activities, such as providing support to SECTARAsubscribers, SECTARAadministrators have strictly controlled access to other information (names, email addresses etc.)

Our SECTARA Website and Service Terms and Conditions define security arrangements more generally.

What arrangements exist to protect privacy?

What arrangements exist to protect privacy?

Our Privacy Policy details how we manage our various privacy obligations, including the Australian Privacy Act 1988 and the GDPR regime.

What happens if a force majeure event occurs?

What happens if a force majeure event occurs?

SECTARAdata is backed up in real-time within Amazon Web Services (AWS), meaning that, if a major unforeseen event does occur, data will be restored within AWS Service Level Agreement (SLA) timeframes. In addition to this, the AWS SLA includes the assurance that “AWS will use commercially reasonable efforts to make the Included Services for each AWS region available with a Monthly Uptime Percentage of at least 99.99%”.

What happens if the question I want answered isn’t here?

What happens if the question I want answered isn’t here?

Contact us to ask it and we’ll also update the FAQ section to include it for anyone else who has the same question.

What browsers does SECTARA™ work with?

SECTARAis presently optimised for most browsers, with the exception of Internet Explorer (IE); this includes the latest version of iOS for iPad.