SECTARA™ (Security Threat And Risk Assessor) was created for security consultants and corporate security managers frustrated with the lack of advanced security risk assessment (specific) software and tools. Performing risk assessments using MS Office products, in particular, can be a tedious process, plagued by styling / formatting problems, layout selection and the routine need for reverse engineering to assure logic throughout.
Such methods are not particularly collaborative, present data security concerns and often drift beyond the bounds of recommended security standards and their assessment methodologies (because we are all human).
Moreover, enterprise risk systems are necessarily generic and security risk consultant’s needs are very specific. It’s also difficult to get IT and expenditure approval for internally hosted systems, especially ones that are not part of ‘core’ business.
SECTARA™ was developed in response to those problems, providing a security risk assessment and security management environment in which best practices for the security industry are within easy reach and available at an affordable cost.
Importantly, risk assessment methodologies detailed within leading global security standards have been accounted for within the system, in a way that addresses the needs of the most advanced security practitioners, but also keeps it simple for those new to the industry. In doing so we designed SECTARA™ to be the natural companion to the Security Risk Management Body of Knowledge (SRMBoK), and having its author as part of the team made this task very easy.
Backed by a dream team...
SECTARA™ is backed by an outstanding board of directors, and a management team staffed by senior business and recognised security experts.